Somewhat recently most of us here at Waterbar noticed a man setting up shop right near our restaurant, painting the days away. 

- Anthony Holdsworth : 2015

- Anthony Holdsworth : 2015

The above work by Anthony Holdsworth is the finished product. "Spirit of Place...." is the perfect title as the painting truly captures the essence of the Embarcadero and the soul of the Bay. We are lucky to have this view everyday and encourage those throughout the city to check out this work and others from February 26 - March 27th at the SFMOMA Artists' Gallery, Fort Mason. If you'd like to see it in real life, join us any day of the week!

This show won't be our first celebration with this artist. Recently he and his wife, fellow artist Beryl Landau celebrated her birthday with us. She got to meet the bartender that extended his curiosity to the artist and who seemed to have struck up a friendship with Mr. Holdsworth. Eric is  an artist himself and was interested in the project for obvious reasons. The final piece of art is beautiful. The colors are fantastic and the scene set by Mr. Holdsworth is one we here at Waterbar are very fortunate to see every day.

From left to right: Our bartender Eric, the birthday girl Beryl and the artist himself Anthony

From left to right: Our bartender Eric, the birthday girl Beryl and the artist himself Anthony

Waterbar is once again thrilled to be a part of our community and among those that cherish local artists here in San Francisco. Thank you to Anthony and his wife for celebrating with us, and most of all thank you for your contribution to  San Francisco art.